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The JFK Jr cult is being called back to Dallas, like the swallows to Capistrano

Kristi Noem unites left and right with dogged determination

Supreme Courts cons are cool with presidential death-dealing, apparently

Ride the CyberTrump into a glorious MAGA future, Q patriots!

Pecker testifies about using the Enquirer to bash Trump’s GOP foes

Killing motivated by Sov Cit/QAnon lunacy lands a woman in prison for life

Illuminati, QAnon, MAGA: How they tie together in a Grand Unified Theory of wack

HBO skewers Alex Jones, but Twitter Nazis dislike him for another reason

Immolator was not a QAnon believer, but QAnon is becoming a Max Azzarello believer

Lara Trump: ‘It’s 4 years of scorched earth when Donald Trump retakes the White House’